Having decided that my Leman Russ Exterminator would not be joining its sister on the frozen battlefields that my Cadians fight on, but instead fighting in swamp-infested jungles with my Catachans, I thought no jungle fighting tank would be complete without camoflage.
Now I've never painted camoflage on a tank. I've tried on infantry but that's a simple case of adding a few bits of complemantary paints to a main basecoat. With a tank that doesn't tend to work as I found out when I tried adding Skrag Brown to the basecoat of Death World Forest. The initial stages were enough to put me off doing anymore.
The pictures you see above are the result (yes I should have kept the pictures I used the flash on) and at the time I was disheartened but tonight while I was applying another coat of Death World Forest, I realised that Skrag Brown makes for some pretty good rust so I left bits of it on to add some character to the tank.
This time I did use the flash and while the close up of the back isn't brilliant it does show how the Skrag Brown makes for the rust. Quite whether I'll stick with going for camoflage I'm not sure, but maybe with something that's mostly peeled off.
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