I was not sure about that but having covered the tank in Death World Forest, the end result has been well worth it with the tank a satisfyingly drab green.
However, I've also heard talk of the next IG codex coming out in the early months of next year. At the moment it might be in January or March, depending on where the Orks end up on the release schedule, though as talk has it both will have to wait until after the Tyranids who may be out in November.
According to some of the rumours, Company Command Squads may be the only HQ choice possible which they kind of where in the old codex where you had to take a command platoon. Those same rumours also talk about Veteran squads being limited to 2 special weapons instead of 3 to prevent plasma spam.
Doubtless we'll hear other rumours in the coming months and I'm sure if you look on the forums you'll already be able to find pages and pages of them. Anyway here are some pictures of my newest tank.
I've also got a Scout Sentinel with Missile Launcher that needs painting up and I'll try to use the same patterns on that when the time comes.
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