I've added a second layer of Death World Forest as well as some grey and metal to the tracks and cannons. Beyond that I'm going to try and make it look grimy all over but not in an industrial way. I might also drybrush some Helion Green onto it in a similar manner to the way I've drybrushed my Cadian tanks.
Apart from that I've started working on the Scout Sentinel, Again I'm going to use the same techniques I used on the tank to finish off the Sentinel. Besides that though I added a Sniper by the simple expedient of taking him from my Cadians. For this guy I decided to try and paint a camo pattern on his cloak. It didn't turn out brilliant, but I think with a splotch of Moot Green added here and there might fix it.
Finally I want to add a Leman Russ Punisher to this army, but I can't decide if I should give it sponsons. You see the cannon is awesome and looks every syallable of that word. I feel that if I add sponsons to the tank, they'll detract from the cannon.